
Unforgettable Summer Campout: +Detail’s Adventure at Pleasant Hill Lake

Camping Bliss Under the Stars

Imagine a sky full of stars, the crackling of a campfire, and the scent of marshmallows roasting. That’s how our adventure began. Setting up camp, everyone pitched in, turning our campsite into a cozy home away from home. The team gathered around the fire, sharing stories, laughter, and delicious campfire-cooked meals. It was a heartwarming reminder of the strong bonds we share beyond the office walls.

+Detail Interior Design and Architecture for Healthcare and Higher Education Employee Campout.

Making a Splash: Swimming and Fun in the Sun

Team members and their kiddos splashed, swam, and played to their hearts' content. Floating on inflatable rafts, we soaked up the sun and let the lake’s tranquility wash over us. It was the perfect way to unwind and enjoy each other’s company.

Hiking Adventures: Exploring Nature’s Beauty

For those seeking a bit of adventure, the surrounding trails offered a chance to explore and connect with nature. Hikes through the scenic woods provided breathtaking views, an opportunity to spot local wildlife and enjoy the peaceful beauty of the outdoors.

Kiddos in Action: Playtime and New Friendships

Watching the little ones play together was a joy. The campground’s playground and open spaces became their kingdom, filled with laughter and new friendships.

The Thrill of Competition: Olympic-Style Picnic Games

The highlight of our campout was undoubtedly the Olympic-style picnic games. Teams were formed, challenges were accepted, and the spirit of friendly competition filled the air. The climax? A thrilling race featuring Justin Gleason, Project Architect, and Josh Myers, Project Designer, with a surprise entry by our project photographer, Logan Ali. The crowd went wild as Logan sprinted to victory, securing the gold medal and bragging rights for the year!

A Testament to Our Culture: More Than Just Colleagues

This campout was more than just a fun getaway; it was a testament to the unique culture at +Detail. We’re not just colleagues; we’re a family. This bond, nurtured through shared experiences and mutual respect, translates into better outcomes for our clients. It’s this connected culture that sets us apart and drives our success.

As the sun set on our final day at Pleasant Hill Lake, we gathered one last time, reflecting on the memories made and the bonds strengthened. Here’s to more adventures, more laughter, and more moments that make the +Detail team truly special.

So, here’s to the magic of summer, the joy of togetherness, and the endless adventures that lie ahead!